West Bund in Shanghai

Photo by ChamilleWhite/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by ChamilleWhite/iStock / Getty Images

About the author: Irene Rajagopal is an international copyright lawyer with  legal experience in U.S. and China. Irene is the founder of PAPER Law Office and licensed to practice law in Washington State. Irene helps clients to complete the copyright registration at U.S. Copyright Office and review the licensing agreements. Her office is located in Bellevue, Washington State. She can be reached at irene@irenerajlaw.com. Please feel free to click here to visit the website of PAPER Law Office PLLC (http://www.paperlawoffice.com). 

by Irene Rajagopal, copyright attorney at PAPER Law Office PLLC

If you are enthusiastic about art and you happen to visit Shanghai, you don't want to miss a hidden gem -- "West Bund". Located along side Huang Pu River, West Bund hosts art museums, fine art galleries, theaters, media companies and even financial institutions. 

My friend took me to West Bund one summer afternoon. We walked along the riverside and amazed by the serene river view. 

In YUZ Museum, I enjoyed two contemporary art shows -- one from a Chinese artist Qin Yifeng and one from a Los Angeles-based artist Math Bass. 

There are numerous art shows and exhibitions all year long in West Bund area. 

West Bund is still in the process of development. According to its official website, West Bund might become the "Left Bank" of Shanghai:

Shanghai West Bund is an ambitious development project that seeks to bring domestic and foreign leaders together in the fields of culture, art, media, fashion, design, and innovative finance to create a unique, world-class waterfront on par with the Left Bank in Paris and the South Bank in London. The undertaking, following the principle of "Leadership in Planning, Culture, and Industry," began in 2012 with two core projects designed to transform the area into an international cultural and financial center: "West Bund Culture Corridor" and "West Bund Media Port."

If you are an art collector, West Bund might be a first stop to get yourself familiar with the landscape of China's art market. 

For more information about West Bund, please visit their official website (www.westbund.com). 


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